USA Free Work Visa for Mobile Apps Developers


USA Free Work Visa for Mobile Apps Developers

Your dream going to be true, yes we have free of charge work permit in USA for 2 years. Don’t miss the chance to be the first person.

Looking for senior application developers for mobile apps for Health and Life Sciences.

Mobile Apps Developers

Mobile Programming skill set including the below:
– Android Development
– Java
– Android SDK/NDK
– Experience building consumer facing applications that have been successfully published to Play store
– Bluetooth LE
– Bluetooth Health Profile, Health Device Profile (HDE)
– Unit testing framework
– Strong OOPS concepts
– Developing in Linux and Windows platforms

USA Free Work Visa for Mobile Apps Developers

– Xcode, Objective C, Cocoa Touch, Swift
– IOS Frameworks – Health Kit, Map Kit, MobileCoreServices, WebKit, UI Kit
– Core Bluetooth
– Experience building consumer facing applications that have been successfully published to Play store
– Bluetooth LE
– Bluetooth Health Profile, Health Device Profile (HDE)
– Unit testing framework
– Strong OOPS concepts
– Developing in Mac platform

Job Requirements
– JavaScript, CSS, HTML
– Oracle JET (JQuery, JQuery UI, Knockout, Require JS, Hammer)
– Experience with Cordova plugin
– Experience with Bluetooth LE Cordova plug-ins a plus
– Develop custom Cordova plug-ins and can integrate with Android/IOS platforms
– Troubleshooting complex code across JavaScript and Native IOS
– Unit testing framework such as unitJS
– Developing in Linux and Windows platforms